Wednesday, July 30, 2014

2 years apart..

As far as I know, John always planned on going on a mission. We never really talked about it.. it was just something we always planned on. We were lucky enough to go to a year at Weber State together and the mission snuck up on us pretty quick.

John got his mission call to the Washington Kennewick mission in March of 2011 and would be leaving July of that year. The last few months together flew by and before we knew it, it was time for him to leave for two years. Believe it or not, when we said goodbye it wasn't even close to as hard as I thought it would be. This was just another step to us being together forever. That made it easier.
The last date we went on before he left. We went to cheesecake factory and then hiked up ensign peak. We were having a really hard time getting a picture of the two of us when this nice man walked up with his professional camera and asked if we wanted a picture. He took this beauty and emailed it to me later that night. I guess we were just in the right place at the right time. I cherished this picture the whole two years John was gone. 

This was our last picture together, in fact it's us saying goodbye before he was set apart as a missionary. Luckily my friends Leah and Marisa happened to stop by and they captured this moment for us.

I got Dodger a week before John left. He was my little buddy and kept me company. Look how adorable he was when he was a puppy? 

Two years flew by like you wouldn't believe... i'm going to save the homecoming for another post. It will be worth it :) 

Where it all started...

Let's rewind 6 years (that seems like forever ago).. It was December of 2007 and our mutual friends introduced us. New year's eve was coming up and I decided to have friends over to celebrate. John and I had hung out several times before and at this point we both knew that we wanted to be "more than friends." Well rumor had it that John was planning on kissing me at midnight. Guess what? It didn't happen. In fact.. we hung out several times after New Years and he still didn't do it! I mean, I don't blame him. The poor kid had just barely turned 16 and here I was ready for him to lay one on me.
He asked me to Junior Prom a week or so later and I just knew it was going to happen that night.
January 26, 2008: The day passed quickly, we had a BLAST and it was time to take me home. He walked me to the door. Well the door was locked so he waited for me to open the garage.. he gave me a hug and quickly snuck in a kiss. He said goodbye and practically ran away. Little did he know my garage door getting in to the house was locked as well.. When he got to the end of the driveway I heard him shout WAHOO! It was really sweet. After that we were inseparable. And that's where our journey began.

New Years Eve

Junior Prom 2008

This is just a few of the hundreds and hundreds of pictures we have. We have such fun memories from high school and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I am so grateful that I found the love of my life at such a tender age. Who would have ever thought we would be where we are today.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Welcome to our blog!

I'm going to start out by saying that this Blog is going to be a challenge for me. I actually created it hmm... 6 months ago? I'm not even quite sure and I have yet to create a single post. However, as life continues, I think to myself often how badly I want to keep record of what's going on. We will see if i'm up for the challenge.

I am by no means a writer.. so i'm sorry to all of you who choose to read my posts because they will probably have lots of grammatical errors and many other things wrong with them. That being said, I really just want to do this for me. So that in the future we can look back and remember all of the fun, and maybe even not so fun things, that life throws at us. I am going to start by introducing mine and John's story. Eventually i'll get caught up to the present :)

So here I go...

I sure hope I don't bore you all to death.

Here's to Keeping Up with the Kendricks