Monday, July 28, 2014

Welcome to our blog!

I'm going to start out by saying that this Blog is going to be a challenge for me. I actually created it hmm... 6 months ago? I'm not even quite sure and I have yet to create a single post. However, as life continues, I think to myself often how badly I want to keep record of what's going on. We will see if i'm up for the challenge.

I am by no means a writer.. so i'm sorry to all of you who choose to read my posts because they will probably have lots of grammatical errors and many other things wrong with them. That being said, I really just want to do this for me. So that in the future we can look back and remember all of the fun, and maybe even not so fun things, that life throws at us. I am going to start by introducing mine and John's story. Eventually i'll get caught up to the present :)

So here I go...

I sure hope I don't bore you all to death.

Here's to Keeping Up with the Kendricks

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