Friday, September 19, 2014

The First Year in Photos...

Bear with me.. this post will probably be a bit long and full of pictures.. but I feel like once I get it posted I will finally feel caught up and can start posting about current happenings.. So without further ado, please enjoy some highlights of our first year of marriage!


We had the pleasure of spending one of our first weekends as a married couple with some of our wonderful friends the Millers and the Butlers up at the Millers cabin. It was so beautiful up there. Poor John was so sick the first day, but it was still a blast. 


 Our first Halloween.


 First Thanksgiving.


 Our First Christmas. It was John's first Christmas home since the mission AND our first Christmas being married.. so it was AWESOME.

We set up our bed in the living room Christmas Eve.. This may just become a tradition every year.

We wore these outfits to every Christmas party we attended. These ugly sweaters even won us a $50 gift card :)


 We were called to be Primary Teachers. This was our first class. We had twelve 7 year olds. It was tough but so much fun. 
The following class we taught was the 4 year olds (I thought the 7 year olds were rough. ha.) We fell in love with those kids and then soon found out that our ward was splitting.. that was pretty devastating news but it has turned out to be just fine! We now teach the 10 year olds in our new ward.. so we've pretty much made the rounds in primary. I don't say it enough, but I am super grateful for our calling. Most the time if you ask me I probably say that it's super hard, and the kids drive me nuts, but I have learned SO much and I know that primary is exactly where I need to be.

 December 30th John decided to cut his fingers open at work. He called me at work.. naturally I panicked and left early so I could go be with him. After a long 4 hours in the emergency room they stitched him up and were referring us to a specialist because John couldn't feel or move his right pinky. Turned out he had completely severed a tendon and a nerve in his finger and would need surgery and physical therapy to repair it. Of course Surgery was scheduled for January 6th (the first day of Spring semester) John was a champ and only missed a couple days of school. He recovered from surgery very quickly but had to go to physical therapy for a few months. Luckily his injury happened at work so he was able to file workers comp and was paid for these few months to just go to school and sit at home while he recovered.


In March we took a super quick trip up to John's mission. We spent most of the time driving, so that we could see all the people and do all of the things John wanted to within 4 days. It was such a fun experience being able to meet people who John was able to get to know while he was away from home. He touched many lives and you could tell that every family we visited just adored him. I wish that we could have stayed longer but i'm sure we will make our way up there again soon. 

Portland Temple.

Columbia River Temple


I was able to watch John throw the Javelin in a couple of Track Meets for Weber State. After a lot of thought he decided that last season was going to be his last. It was definitely fun seeing him throw and he was able to go to the Big Sky Conference in AZ.  


Our First Easter. 


In May we made a HUGE decision to trade in the Fiesta and buy a new car. I had nothing but issues with the Fiesta from January-March and I was so sick of taking it in to be "fixed" the problem was never resolved so we started looking at small SUV's. We originally had our hearts set on a Subaru but decided to stop at Mazda to take a look before we made our final decision. The salesman snatched us and asked us if we wanted to test drive a CX-5. We loved it but wanted to explore all of our options. We went straight to Subaru and we test drove the Crosstrek. It was nice... but I think both of our hearts were set on the CX-5. We may have been a little impulsive but that same night we went back to Mazda and bought us the cutest RED car. We absolutely love it. 


In June, Leah coordinated a weekend that all of us friends could get together and go up to her families cabin. It was so fun to have all of us up there.. even Jared came from California. We had a blast reminiscing about our High School memories. I feel so grateful to have such awesome friends. We are really so lucky.


 John and I had decided to just go to Park City for our Honeymoon and save up some money to do a fun trip this summer. So we celebrated what we called our "official Honeymoon" in Las Vegas and California. We spent 3 days in Vegas and then flew to California and spent 4 days there. We had so much fun and we were actually able to do a lot of fun things. If you ask John what his favorite part was he'd probably say playing Bingo in Vegas... We played every night. John actually walked away one night with $300 so it was totally worth it!

Newport Beach is my all time favorite. I could have spent our whole vacation hanging out there. 

We had originally planned to go to Disneyland this trip but after realizing how packed it was going to be we opted out. Instead we just spent one evening at Downtown Disney having dinner and posing with this massive Lego Hulk.

We spent the 4th of July at the Angel's game.

This hat was filled bottom to top with Nachos. It's actually quite gross if you think about it.. but they were delicious :)


Anyone who knows my family knows that the 24th of July is spent up in Heber lounging around and spending time with Family. They set up the fireworks in Grandpas backyard, so we have front row seats! 

 There is no place I love more than my grandparents home. They moved up there the year I was born so i've spent many many weekends there and that's where most of my childhood memories were made.

We celebrated the marriage of John's brother, Anthony and his awesome wife Rio. These two are perfect for each other. 

 We ended the summer with Leah and Toanga up at Leah's cabin. We had a blast and it was the perfect ending to a fantastic summer! 


I always hear "the first year is the hardest" but I don't think this first year was hard at all. Sure, we may have gotten on each other's nerves a few times but I wouldn't say it was hard. 
We have had some awesome things fall in to our laps this year and we were fortunate enough to be able to make all of the memories we did. 
How grateful I am to have such a patient, loving, easy-going husband. He is perfect for me. I can be extremely difficult to deal with most of the time but he loves me anyway.. and he is constantly reminding me of that. 

I am truly blessed.


  1. oh. my. gosh. geez what happened to his finger?!

    1. He's a waiter at a Restaurant and a drinking glass shattered in his hand. Lame story I know :)
